By using education as the key tool for Success in Life of the poor and the downtrodden students, UyirMei Trust envisions to create a society built on Empathetic Governance, Progressive Thinking, Leadership Excellence, Scientific Temper, Democratized Education and Sustainable Economic System.
UyirMei Trust in the pursuit of offering high-quality education to the poor and Providing the necessary support for students from the poor and marginalized strata to choose their careers and emerge successfully.
To Provide dignity and respect to the poor and marginalised with education as a tool.
To Train students from poor and marginalized backgrounds to compete in government exams to be placed in positions of power and decision making.
Create a community of brilliant minds who shall be a changing agents in the society.
Oneness-Togetherness in the Pursuit of our Vision.
Innovative - Open-minded and receptive in seeing opportunity in every challenge.
Inclusive- Accept all cultures, religions, communities and ethnicities.
Principle centric -Integrity in everything we do and for all those we serve.